Friday, February 15, 2008

Wonderful people

Two separate patients have brought Peanut gifts. One was a beautiful hand made blanket and the other an adorable teddy bear and outfit. I am simply amazed and humbled that these people are excited enough for me to do that. I mean, I see them at least once a month if not more and after a while you move from the "Nice weather" to "How's little Bobby's baseball team doing? I hear they've gotten new uniforms!" You just get to know people and want to cheer for them so maybe it shouldn't surprise me so much that some of them want to do something nice for me.

But I'll be honest I always feel a little bad when people spend money on me. Mostly because I worry they won't understand how much I really truly do value not only the gift but the effort and time they put into thinking about me, and now Peanut.

Peanut, by the way, has been rolling most of the night. Sometimes it's hard enough for me to actually move with the rolling.

The nursery is half done. Some of the weight of worry was lifted from my shoulders. Of course this weekend I'll have to do more but I no longer want to cry at the thought of my baby coming home to that mess.

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