Thursday, February 21, 2008


We have some progress! I'm not damn near, gonna call it that then, 2 cm dilated now and the cervix is thinning and soft. The baby watch is now official. So official that when I call people now they answer the phone in a breathless "HELLO?!" as if I'm about to announce that I've just had the baby at home and need help. No I really just wanted to borrow some sugar.

It seems that friends at a board I've been a member of since before Peanut's daddy and I were married have organized a baby shower for us. I cried. I'm so touched that these ladies from all over the US and the world got together to help welcome this baby into the world. I think from now on when I start hating people on a whole I need to remember this. That most people are kind and generous and caring.

There is a giant to do list waiting for me right now, I'm trying to take advantage of what could be my last lone Thursday. Also my nieces are going to be visiting Grandma and Grandpa three doors down for a couple of days so I know they will want to come over and hang out. We have the computer and the Wii ;)

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