Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sounds like I might be right

Today began the weekly visits to see the friendly doctor. This visit included a nice exam in which the doctor put her fingers in me to see if I'm dilating. Let me just say this is not very much fun. At first she didn't think his head was down yet but it turns out it is. He's just long. Great. Anyway my cervix is thinning and I'm about 1 cm dilated. This doesn't mean I'm going to have him tomorrow as I'm still pretty tight it does mean though that his birth is impending. It also means I'm most likely right and his arrival will not be in March.

But as usual I cannot have something to worry about. Well not worry really but still. My blood pressure is a little high and there was some trace protein in my urine. The doctor isn't really worried about it more she wants to watch it. If it's worse next week we may talk about inducing. She's really not worried that I'll get sick or for him but she would like to avoid a C section as would I and if my BP is too high they don't really like you to push. So we'll keep our eyes on that and just hope today I was stressed or something. Not that I'm not normally stressed.

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