Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's finally been said.

As odd as it may sound I've often yearned to say words like "This kid is using my kidney as a punching bag." or "If this kid doesn't get off my rib cage I may scream." So it was a rather exciting moment when I uttered "This kid is sitting on my bladder." the other day.

I've been promised by mommies and websites that the second trimester would bring a slow down to the peeing marathon, though I should expect to have it increase ten fold in the third trimester. Though so far I've found that PtB is happy in the lower part of my womb right on my bladder. This of course doesn't help the gagging at all. Even though baby is down in my pelvic bone area yet, the bump that is now home to my baby is still ramming up into my stomach if I bend the wrong way. I sat on my kitchen floor and gagged for a good 10 minutes one after noon because I'd dared to unload the dishwasher.

One one hand I want to relish each and ever moment my baby is inside me. The one thing I was never able to come to terms with while dealing with infertility was that I would never feel life in me. It brought me to my knees. On the other hand though I still want the next big thing. Right now it's to feel the baby moving finally. I'm far off from that yet, around 5 ish weeks give or take how strong PtB is.

Last week I was weepy most days. The realization that I was having a baby was almost too much for me to consider. This week I'm tired again. I wonder what next week will bring. Maybe gas.

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