Sunday, September 23, 2007

Guilt factor

Most people who know me know that I have a large group of friends online. I've met a few of them, I talk to most of them at least once a week. Most I've gained a lot of support and help from over the past few years. I've been on one message board for over 4 years now and I've grown close to more than one women I've met there.

Three weeks before I found out I was going to have Peanut a friend found out she was having a baby. We were so excited to go through this together as first time mom's. It was nice to have someone I could go through this with.

A few weeks later she found out her baby, twins actually, were gone. It was a terriable blow to so many of us. I didn't know what to do or say because here I was plugging along and she was dealing with this pain.

I still feel so guilty when I reach milestones because I know that she's still mourning her lost babies. Each one I reach I know it's one she won't have.

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