Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Time is short

And so am I! HA!

So according to my doctor if after the next three weeks I go into labor she won't stop me. That's a really scary thought. That's a really short time frame to think about. I mean my shower is in three weeks. I can't do much until after that's done. The spare room isn't even cleaned out yet. I'm waiting Peanuts Daddy and Peanuts Godfather to get it cleared out. I also need to clean up the master bedroom a little too. But the thing is there is nothing ready for my son and hearing three weeks only made me panic. I'm so very, very good at that.

I also am starting to wonder how the cats will react to the new person in the house. I think I know how they'll react but who knows if I'm right. They both seem to think something is going on but not what.

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