Wednesday, January 16, 2008

No he's not here yet!

I'm just very bad at updating. I wish I had some crazy adventure story to tell you about chasing jewel thieves through Kiev but I've been home. Sleeping or avoiding cleaning. I say avoiding cleaning because there is a pile of housework that needs to be done but I, frankly, don't feel like doing it. Oh sure the basics are done there isn't any moldy food or such in my house it's just not organized.

The cats have also been clingy. Marble has taken to crawling all over me whenever I sit down. Peabody has taken to following me everywhere and when he can't he shoves his face into his dry food bowl and eats so fast I fear that he'll blow up like the girl in Willy Wonka. What was her name? Violet I think. Or Veruica. Something V.

I'm pleased to announce that I've not succumbed to all the wonderful woes of pregnancy. I am not running hot. Now this might seem like a wonderful thing. But I live in the midwest. It's cold here. Very cold. I was looking forward to going "I'm comfortable! How 'bout you!?" for the first time in January in my life. I'm cold. I'm always cold. Like Mr. Peanut's Daddy won't let me touch him I'm cold. So right now I'm disappointed that I got gypped out of the one pregnancy symptom I wanted.

There is a baby shower set and soon the spare room will be cleared out so the orgy of baby preparation can begin. I'd like to say I can't wait but I can because that means I'll have to clean two rooms very well and frankly I've become lazy.

Well the heartburn is kicking in. Time for me to forage for food and get some precious sleep.

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