Sunday, March 9, 2008


Well, we did it. It was almost 12 hours of labor and 2 of pushing but we did it. And I say we because Peanut did his part but his daddy was great. Even when I was snippy he was great and was right there cheering me.

Peanut the Bold was born on March 8th at 1:45 am. He's 6lbs 13oz and 18 inches long. My nurses keep telling me how cute he is and I think they really mean it not in that polite way but in a huge grinning he really is cute way. In fact two of them and I have had the precious conversation. The one about how not all babies are cute but they are all precious and this one isn't precious LOL.

1 comment:

The Kinker Family said...

I'm so glad he finally made his arrival!! Silly late boy! Let's hope that's not a sign of things to come! LOL

Congrats again sweetie!! He is absolutely adorable!!