Thursday, October 25, 2007

Oh the burn.

First, dear friends of myself and darling husband became parents yesterday to a baby boy. He's just a doll and I couldn't be happier for them if I tried. Good thing I don't have to try. Congrats you two!

Now for me. The heartburn has started. Yep, I wake up and the aching pain is there, hmmm Tums. You know their Smoothie ones are pretty damn good. Not as chalky as I've had in the past. Still the burn is there if my tummy is empty or I've been lying down. It's probably one of the most annoying things ever. Even more annoying that the 24/7 peeing really.

I was so hoping to avoid this unpleasant part of baby hatching but alas it was not to be. I should have known given I've gotten damn near every other pregnancy yucky that could come down the pike.

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