Thursday, February 21, 2008


We have some progress! I'm not damn near, gonna call it that then, 2 cm dilated now and the cervix is thinning and soft. The baby watch is now official. So official that when I call people now they answer the phone in a breathless "HELLO?!" as if I'm about to announce that I've just had the baby at home and need help. No I really just wanted to borrow some sugar.

It seems that friends at a board I've been a member of since before Peanut's daddy and I were married have organized a baby shower for us. I cried. I'm so touched that these ladies from all over the US and the world got together to help welcome this baby into the world. I think from now on when I start hating people on a whole I need to remember this. That most people are kind and generous and caring.

There is a giant to do list waiting for me right now, I'm trying to take advantage of what could be my last lone Thursday. Also my nieces are going to be visiting Grandma and Grandpa three doors down for a couple of days so I know they will want to come over and hang out. We have the computer and the Wii ;)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Wonderful people

Two separate patients have brought Peanut gifts. One was a beautiful hand made blanket and the other an adorable teddy bear and outfit. I am simply amazed and humbled that these people are excited enough for me to do that. I mean, I see them at least once a month if not more and after a while you move from the "Nice weather" to "How's little Bobby's baseball team doing? I hear they've gotten new uniforms!" You just get to know people and want to cheer for them so maybe it shouldn't surprise me so much that some of them want to do something nice for me.

But I'll be honest I always feel a little bad when people spend money on me. Mostly because I worry they won't understand how much I really truly do value not only the gift but the effort and time they put into thinking about me, and now Peanut.

Peanut, by the way, has been rolling most of the night. Sometimes it's hard enough for me to actually move with the rolling.

The nursery is half done. Some of the weight of worry was lifted from my shoulders. Of course this weekend I'll have to do more but I no longer want to cry at the thought of my baby coming home to that mess.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

First a funny

Me: Are those chocolates hiding on top of the cabinets?

Husband: No those are Christmas butter knives.

Me: Oh 'cause they look like chocolate and now I want chocolate. And Mexcian. I've been craving a burrito for weeks now.

Husband: So you want a chocolate covered burrito?

Me: No why on earth would you think that

Husband: Because every day you get more crazy. Like Nixon.

Me: walks away.


Husband returns home from a business trip. "My God I'd forgotten how huge you are!!"

Me: ... That's probably the only time in your life you can get away with that.

Husband: Well if your pregnancy means you can get away with some stuff then I can too!


So I'm still cooking and my doctor thinks that it'll be at least another week. That's good because right now Peanut's Daddy has taken to yelling at my tummy for him to stay put. I keep telling him that's not going to do any good but he won't listen. He's just worried he'll have a frantic in pain wife screaming at him while he drives us to the hospital in a snow storm. Given that we've had at least an inch of snow damn near every day the chances are great he'll be doing just that.

I'm trying to drill the plan into both our heads along with different things that could happen. He's at work, I'm at work, he's in another city, I'm at home, middle of the night. Really it's more for my comfort so I know there is a plan and that there are other options if something doesn't go the way it's supposed too.

The big thing is my determination to get things organized and clean before I go into labor. Right now his nursery is full of stuff that is in need of a home and a place. We've gotten a lot done but even more will need to be done. Even Peanut's Goddaddy will be in on the act. So much laundry to do too. But I've gotten the bulk of it done.

Most of all I'm glad I don't work 40 hours a week. I don't know how women do it because at this point Thursday's of sleepy day time are so precious to me I resent having to take a shower much less get out of bed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sounds like I might be right

Today began the weekly visits to see the friendly doctor. This visit included a nice exam in which the doctor put her fingers in me to see if I'm dilating. Let me just say this is not very much fun. At first she didn't think his head was down yet but it turns out it is. He's just long. Great. Anyway my cervix is thinning and I'm about 1 cm dilated. This doesn't mean I'm going to have him tomorrow as I'm still pretty tight it does mean though that his birth is impending. It also means I'm most likely right and his arrival will not be in March.

But as usual I cannot have something to worry about. Well not worry really but still. My blood pressure is a little high and there was some trace protein in my urine. The doctor isn't really worried about it more she wants to watch it. If it's worse next week we may talk about inducing. She's really not worried that I'll get sick or for him but she would like to avoid a C section as would I and if my BP is too high they don't really like you to push. So we'll keep our eyes on that and just hope today I was stressed or something. Not that I'm not normally stressed.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Today we are full term! This is it, the end goal, the last chapter, the goal line. In less than a month (God willing) there will be a new person in our family bringing us to three. It's all way too much for me to handle.

Ever since we found out when Peanut was due my gut told me that he would not be a March baby. I don't know why but I just never believed that he would be. Now of course I could be setting myself up for being two weeks over due then induced. In fact knowing how I operate I probably am. So in reality I could have another 30 ish days left. Of course I'll be totally insane at that point and Peanuts Daddy will probably be begging his son to please come out so mommy stops being a giant screaming crazy lady. Not that there aren't already days where he's not doing just that.

I have finally gotten to a point where I'm wanting to eat larger portions of food than I ever have before. I mean, I've been hungrier all this time but never before could I polish off a plate of nachos then a Chimmighanga at a Mexican restaurant and still want dessert. Poor Pman's Daddy because he's used to having all the left overs to plow through and I simply don't leave any anymore.

I have however, been trying to curb the instinct to mow through a giant bag of chips then a bag of chocolate. I'm eating breakfast. I've never eaten breakfast before I go to work. I get up too late. But I've found I can whip up Malt O Meal as I get my make up on then watch the news (snow, snow and more snow 'round here) before heading into work. This doesn't mean I'm not ready to rip apart my kitchen for food at lunch time but it will stave that instinct off for an extra hour or so.

The cats must know something is going on. Both of them must have me in their sights at all times. In fact one is poised waiting for my hand to come off the keyboard to manipulate the mouse. I think they think mommy's sick. Who really knows though. What I do know is that both of them are going to have a lot to adjust too in a few short weeks.